Monday, June 9, 2008

A long day

Well I worked trying to get loose ends tied up at work, and waited for the doctor to call.

I was worried because if I was going to have this surgery put off again, I needed to let my mom and my boss know.

The attorney called, and I went and signed a living will, a power of attorney, and my will. Some people think that is grim, but it needed to be done, and I feel better now that it is.

At 4:45, the doctor's office finally called me back, after leaving another message, and holding for so long that I finally just gave up. They called in an anti-inflammatory and an antibiotic, and told me things were a go.

I went by the grocery store on the way home to pick up some things for Mom to eat on while she's here.

When I got home, I watered my baked flowers, and made a big bowl of homemade guacamole. The avocados were here. I pigged out, and then had some pastry I picked up at the store. Since I'm going to be on a liquid diet the next couple of days, I reasoned I could eat what I want. After that, I stuck in a DVD of old Simpson's episodes with director commentary on and scrubbed the bathroom. That was the last room left to clean.

While I was doing that, Justin called to check on me. That was awfully sweet of him. He gave me the best-case scenario of everything I have going on for a while, and we briefly discussed some of his drama. Then it was back to finish.

Of course, Crooner becomes upset in a clean house, since this one hasn't been since he's lived here. It confuses him. As soon as I got through scrubbing the floor, he had to re-cover it with cat litter, and as soon as I finished scrubbing the shower, he had to re-Christen it with kitty sneezes. The nature of cats. Sigh.

I did a few other odd things and hit the hay. I was up at 4:30am this morning. Sigh. I guess I'll be getting enough sleep Wednesday.

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