Sunday, June 29, 2008

Back to a fairly normal Sunday

Well I woke up this morning feeling pretty much OK, so I guess I didn't do any damage last night. I'm just old enough to listen to my body when it says "Hey, you're all in!" I understand that the party got pretty wild last night, and apparently I missed the best part (dammit), but I'm feeling a bit fragile for a bunch of extra-curricular activities at the moment anyway.

I talked to a guy I know named Andrew online this morning, and we ended up going to the flea market together. I had no idea he was more flea market involved than I am. He apparently used to have a booth out there. We walked around and looked at stuff, although we didn't find anything, and he talked to the people he knew out there. It was nice to have some company, and we had a good time.

I came home and ate some breakfast so I could take my pills, and was going to lie down for a while, but my friend Michael called from out of the blue. I haven't talked to him in a long time. He was a bit worried about me, and called to check on me and find out what was between the lines. We used to be really close, but have kind of grown apart in recent years. But it was really good to talk to him, and he's one of those friends who can pick up the phone, and it's just like you've seen each other yesterday. I was touched.

After that I had a little nap, which I needed, and am now assessing the mountain of household chores in front of me...

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