Monday, June 16, 2008

A frustrating day

I can apparently do anything I want, except eat something or talk.

It's very aggravating.

Tonight, it got to be 8pm, and I was hungry, so I decided to eat dinner with no Tylenol. Bad, very bad, idea. I have taken Tylenol pretty much on the clock every four hours since surgery - last Wednesday. Obviously I still need to be. Counting taking breaks to allow the Tylenol to kick in, it has taken me an hour and a half to get about 12 ounces of soup down. Lesson learned - Tylenol will be taken before meals for a while. All thoughts of putting foods through the food processor are gone. If pureed butter beans feel like barbed wire, I guess a pizza is out of the question. I had thought about getting some potato rolls to eat with butter, but now that seems wildly ambitious. Sigh.

Maybe I'll lose some weight, as Justin reminded me tonight on the phone, during soup break #2. I'm also afraid I may not have drank enough this afternoon. I was tired of peeing all the time. So tomorrow I'll be drinking more again, and timing the Tylenol for an hour before each meal. That was working OK prior to dinner tonight.

Geez, this must be boring as hell reading.

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