Tuesday, June 17, 2008

I am an idiot, but I ate solid food tonight

Well after all that frustration yesterday, and after eating only potato soup for lunch, I was both ravenous and pissed.

I opened a bag of those cookies that have been mocking me for a week, and ate them. I chewed them to paste first, and swallowed them with liquid, but I'm still afraid of what I did to my throat. It's been almost a week though. 3-5 days is supposed to be the danger time for bleeding, and I checked my throat tonight and I'm not. So I guess I'm good.

I made some macaroni and cheese and mixed it with some broccoli cooked soft for dinner. I had to wait for my Tylenol to kick in so I could eat, and it took me 45 minutes to eat a bowl, but I got it down. It was wonderful to eat some solid food again. I just have to chew everything for a long time and get it really liquid-y before I try to swallow. Mom says I eat too fast anyway. Which I guess I do.

Miss Kat and dana came by tonight and brought me some potato rolls, and I had a couple of those with Mom's homemade strawberry jam and butter for dessert. Sheer. Heaven. If only they hadn't hurt so bad.

Still, a painful milestone was reached today.

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