Monday, April 7, 2008

Birthday resolutions

The "Grimace" cookie jar. I just know this thing will be worth a fortune someday.

Seems like the last couple of weeks have been all about birthdays. First there was finding the lamp so I had something great to send Cindy for her birthday. Then there was getting dana's birthday party all together.

I talked to Michael this weekend, and he told me that my birthday present was on the way as of Saturday. My birthday is September 9. But for Michael, this is really fast work. He is notoriously bad about getting presents to people after he buys them. I personally know of one present he bought for a friend of his that he finally just kept. But hearing about my present got me started thinking about his again. Michael's birthday is coming up on 4-11, and I just happened to stumble across the absolute perfect thing for his birthday about two weeks ago, so I ordered part of it then. I went to see about the rest of it today, using my lunch hour. I risked life and limb to brave Woodruff Road at lunch time.

I also finally got Lisa's birthday present ordered today. I figured if I was already working on Michael's gift, I should get hers squared away, since her birthday was March 1. She had wanted a purse like one I got for my mother a couple of years ago for Mother's Day. The problem is, I couldn't remember where I got it, nor could I find another like it. I found one similar, but I knew it wasn't what she really wanted - it wasn't leather. So I finally found a leather one today that will do what she wants. It didn't cost the earth, but it cost a whole lot more than the one I bought for Mama. But I'm pretty sure it's exactly what she wants, so it's worth it.

Anyway, while I was up on Woodruff today, I stopped in the Goodwill up there again, but no dice. I think that one little bowl must be the only thing I was meant to find at that store. But I keep seeing this Grimace cookie jar. It has been there for weeks. It is real ceramic, and I know there are apparently a lot of people now who collect McDonald's stuff. It has some light wear marks on it - it's been used, but I just know it's going to be a collector's item someday, and I'm going to kick myself 30 years from now for not buying it. The problem is I don't want to store it for the next 30 years. I have enough crap already. I wish someone would buy the damn thing. It's only $5.50. *EDIT* Ok, I looked it up. It was made in 1997. Looks like they are going for $10-15 on Ebay. If I had a decent digital camera, I would get it to try and sell.

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