Wednesday, April 9, 2008

A late birthday gift - impressions

When I got off work last night, I ended up running late. I got the call that Michael’s birthday present was ready, so I went to pick it up, and drop it at one of those "pick, pack n ship" places to get it to him as soon as I could. His birthday is Friday. I mailed his card this morning, hoping he would get it on time, since I figured his present would be late. Turns out I was right. It was going to cost $30 to get it there by Friday and $20 to get it there by next Monday or Tuesday, so I did that. I spent a good bit more than usual on his present this year, just because I found something that I thought would be perfect. I was glad I did.

When I got home, my present from Michael was on the front porch. It was a big box, and I could see why he told me it was an awkward thing to get transported. He sent me adjustable screens for my windows! I have wanted some for years, but had no idea where to get them. None of the hardware stores around here have anything like them. Totally unexpected, but a great thing. I was really tickled.

All this put me running late for dinner at the new guy's house, which turned out to be a very strange evening. It was certainly the most unusual menu I think I have ever been served.

I called him to let him know I was running a bit late, and he was very nice about it. I wasn’t as late as I thought I would be. But dinner wasn’t finished when I got there anyway, so it was fine.

As I came in, he showed me his glass, which was cool. He had some nice pieces, although some of it was older than Depression Glass, and out of my area of expertise.

The Roommate

He had told me his roommate might be around. As we were talking in the kitchen, the roommate came in. I knew this guy already; I had met him last summer. I’ll just call him M. M is one of the most beautiful people I have ever seen in real life naked. His body is stunning, and he was blessed with genitalia to match. Absolutely gorgeous all over. He is one of those few people who actually looks better naked than he does clothed. He has the type of beauty that inspires artists and transcends socio-economic strata. This first time I saw him, he was very rude to me. When I next saw him, I didn’t recognize him from the night before, but was absolutely dumb-founded with just looking at him. I ended up just finally telling him that he was absolutely gorgeous, which was why I was staring. I literally could not peel my eyes off of him, drinking in his image as if to permanently burn it into the synapses of my brain, lest I never again see his equal. He took it in stride. It was probably about the fifth time he had been told that already that day. It was about 9am.

It turns out, unsurprisingly, that Russ and Billy know him. He came over to talk to us after he got cleaned up. After he relaxed around me, since we had mutual acquaintances, I could see a bit of the person he probably is in private. He had the grace to appear embarrassed when I finally connected him with our initial meeting. When he started talking, he was more like a real person, although still pretty bitchy at times, but then, hell I am too.

I think he must have had to develop a reserve, a way to keep people at bay. I can’t imagine what it would be like to go through life with everyone you meet: man, woman, dog, quadriplegic, all wanting to fuck you. To have every eye that comes across you follow you with lust. M is a universal type that would make nuns horny. That must be a terrible strain, after a while. I know it sounds great initially, but I can’t imagine living my life that way. Don’t guess I’ll ever have to worry about that. LOL

M doesn’t have the best face. He has a good face, but not the best face. His lips and nose are a tad heavy for perfection. When he smiles his eyes are lively and his mouth attractive and sensual; but in repose, his mouth tends to form a dissatisfied pout, and his eyes drop to a heavy lidded half-mast of ennui. He appears to be spoiled to excess and the best of everything. He remains attractive and youthful, but his face is no longer fresh-looking. Unsubstantiated hot n juicy gossip (although from a fairly reliable source) is that he is not used to having to work terribly hard, the gaps in his wants being filled with generous patronage. It is also rumored that he has no patron now. But of course those kinds of rumors always follow the suspiciously beautiful. At least in the gay world.

I’m thinking, "Why does (the date guy) live with this guy? Who wants that kind of competition lounging sensually around their house?" Sitting next to this guy, most people look like "Uggo the Dog-faced Boy".

And who wants to grow accustomed to that level of beauty? Seeing M every day would make it so much harder to be attracted to a real person. Either he is naïve, being just out, or just oblivious, although I find that hard to believe. Or maybe he is just less superficial than I, and more secure in the fact that pretty is as pretty does.

For the bitchy parts of the above assessment, I am perfectly willing to admit that sour grapes may be part of the mixture. This guy is totally out of my league, and frustrated desire always tends to get ugly. And whatever the cost and aggravation it entails, there is a part of me that would cheerfully give my left nut to look like that.

The Meal

This post has been redacted at the request of the subject, who threw a good old fashioned hissy-fit.


JLo said...

What an odd combination of items...

thefabulousmrthing said...

Yes it was. I would have thought maybe he just put something together from what he had on hand, but he told me he specifically shopped for this meal. The only thing I can think is that each individual dish was just chosen because he liked that dish. He did tell me he got the sushi because he knew that I liked it.