Thursday, April 17, 2008

The Neti Pot

In desperation, I spent $20 on a Neti Pot today. I had read about them last year, but was skeptical. It sounded a bit off the wall to me. But Walter got one a couple of weeks ago, and he says it has really helped him. For those who don't know what that is, it is the latest new age home remedy for sinus problems. You use it to do nasal irrigation, and I'll let the curious follow that link if they wish. I will tell you it's kind of gross, but easier to do than it would seem. I was able to do it on the first try, and I have a severely deviated septum. After having a tickle in my sinuses that has been driving me insane for the last 48 hours and kept me up half the night, I was ready to try anything. About 3am last night, I was ready to stick a fork up my nose or claw my face off. I did it once when I got home, and again before bed. I have to say, I have found some measure of relief.

The bear dinner was tonight. We had it at El Matador, a very old restaurant in Greenville. Back in the day, it was the only Mexican restaurant in town. That was before our immigration wave hit, and before people started really moving here because of the large companies that moved in (bringing with them their more sophisticated palates). At the time, they had pretty bland food, since it was geared so Southerners would eat it, and people around here are notoriously suspicious of any new food. I haven't been in a long time, but I have to say, the food was very good. They have upgraded their menu, and offer some truly unique things. It is a family run place, which I like too. The guy running the place, still a member of the family, went out of his way to make us feel welcome, and they treated us like kings. I really enjoyed it. It won't be such a long time before I go back.

Dining with Friends is coming up, where people host dinner parties to raise money for AID Upstate. We all were invited to a dinner party later in the month, which should be nice.

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