Saturday, April 5, 2008

Lazy, lazy bear*

After being up so late last night, I was drug out and sleepy today. I woke up at 7:30am, late for me, ate some brekkie, and went back to bed. I mainly laid around and read. The cats are thrilled, and taking turns laying all over me. I alternately napped and read most of the day. I finally got motivated to get some things done a bit after 5pm, when I realized I was wasting the whole day.

I did a bit of work on my hat (not nearly as much as I had planned to do today), cleaned up the kitchen, took out the trash, some stuff like that. Then I got cleaned up and ran by Michael's craft store to get a hat piece I hadn't realized I needed.

On the way home, I took myself out to dinner. I finished The Godmother today, and started on the next Sookie Stackhouse book, so I went to dinner with just Charlaine Harris and me tonight. There was a cute boy sitting at the next table with two fat girls and a suspiciously fashionable haircut, so I was pretty sure he was gay. But of course he was a kid, and wasn't paying any attention to me.

I think I really just needed some downtime today. I hope I can afford it.

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