Thursday, April 3, 2008

Pretty discouraged

With work today. I have this horrible account that I am trying to resolve with our horrible returns department, and it won't go away. After three interminable visits to my desk yesterday, on top of my regular work, I was pretty done for the day. I loathe our returns department. Our warehouses are beholden to no one. And they bonus on how many credits they don't issue. Yeah. Do the math. Getting a credit issued is like trying to get Anne Coulter to stop being a complete bitch. Well maybe not that hard.

I went straight home last night in the cold drizzly yuck, put on my fuzzy socks, got under my snuggly blanket (from Russ and Billy for Christmas last year) and read, while allowing the cats to love me back to a semblance of humanity.

Fortunately I'm reading an excellent book by a great author I just found: The Godmother by Elizabeth Ann Scarborough. I am enjoying it immensely. It's nice to have someplace to esacape. I'm still indulging my Charlaine Harris addiction. I finished Club Dead this week - it was GREAT. That woman sure knows how to end a book. I had to order a short story compilation to progress in the series - my one complaint about both her and MaryJanice Davidson. But I went ahead and ordered it, and put the next two books in the series on call with the library. I'm really enjoying the Sookie Stackhouse series. I'm going to be sorry when I finish them! Fortunately I am not anywhere near the end, and I'll sandwich some other stuff in there to make it last.

I talked to Dan last night some more. He is a really nice guy, but I swear I think I'll just talk that boy to death. It's hard for him to get a word in edgewise on the phone with me. He just starts topics I am naturally loquacious about. He may come down on Saturday, he hasn't decided yet.

After a simple dinner of tuna salad (the cats were thrilled, they got the juice), I just read and enjoyed the silence. Sometimes it's good to be single. I just really didn't feel like being around anyone else.

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