Sunday, April 13, 2008

My Hat is done!!

When I woke up this morning, I went to check on my hat, and found the insert lying on top of the freezer in a pool of still-wet glue. I was REALLY pissed. But I took the bull by the horns, took a risk, and used the hot glue. The syrofoam for the instert was a different kind, which is supposed to be hot-glue relsilient, but I hadn't wanted to take any chances. It seems to be fine. I don't know if the hot glue will hold to the glass long-term or not, but if it falls out again, I can just balance it and the hat on my head for the Parade of Hats and call it a day.

The weather today is windy and cold for this time of year here (55 deg F), but at least it is clear and pretty outside. I was pissed at that wind yesterday while I was working with glitter outside, but at the time, I thought, "This will be worth it if it is blowing all those rain clouds off." Apparently it was.

I went to the flea market after that, both to see the woman (who wasn't there again), and to get the rest of the decorations for the hat. I knew the rest of it would go together pretty quickly, once I got the two major parts of the decoration on. I was worried about putting them on, because they are the key to the whole hat, and if they break the hat, the idea is pretty much ruined, but as usual, like the parts I wasn't worred about that turned out really hard (i.e. that &*&^%#$@!! insert), the parts that I was worred about totally worked. They went in VERY easily, look great, I didn't have to mess them up mounting them, and they feel secure. So the pains I took on the base were worth it. I finished the decorations, and made some preliminary pictures to send to Justin. I'm going to have some better pictures made to post on here at the party later.

I talked to Russ, and he and Billy will be here in about an hour and a half, so I have to scamper. Now the fun part - the party!!

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