Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Misery, thy name is pollen

Well allergy season struck today with a vengeance. I'm on three hay fever prescriptions to keep me breathing, and they are doing a pretty good job, but that doesn't stop my face from swelling up like an orangutan, my gums from being sore and tender, or keep me from feeling like I am dragging an anchor everywhere I go. Yes, I am about a pretty as the picture in your head at the mo.

For those who don't know, Greenville SC is consistently on the list of top 10 worst places in the country for pollen count. It is gorgeous outside. The roads are lined with Eastern Redbuds, Saucer Magnolias, Dogwood Trees, and Forsythia, all in exuberant bloom. It looks like "Song of the South" outside. Not that I can go outside. I am wondering once again why the hell I live here.

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