Thursday, April 24, 2008

Knowing better, and still getting into trouble

I am apparently cruel and heartless. At least that's what I was told today by email. A guy I went out with a couple of times sent me an email to tell me what he thought of me after reading my posts.

I know better than to date newbies. My little voice was saying "NO!". I did it anyway, and now I apparently have an enemy for life. I redacted the posts that so upset him; but apparently my telling him I was not interested is not something he will "EVER get over". So much drama. I thought things would be different with older guys. I just can't deal with all the Jan Brady-ness of the whole situation. The worst part of it is that I am the stupid one, because I should know better. Repeat after me. Idiot. Idiot. Idiot.

Can I get a volunteer to give me a swift kick in the ass the next time I ignore my little voice? Apparently just age and wisdom aren't doing the trick yet.


Had dinner with Mom and Dad tonight. I went by the house, thinking Dad would be home after just having surgery yesterday, but they weren't there. After calling, I joined them at their favorite little Mexican place. He's apparently doing fine, and I got the update on Grandma Shumate. They are going to try to get her into an accelerated program that focuses on getting hip injury people back on their feet as soon as possible to minimize muscle loss. Hopefully they will accept her.

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