Friday, April 18, 2008

The Neti Pot, again

OK, I feel like an old person now, going on and on about health crap, but I am LOVING this Neti Pot. I did it this morning, and again when I before bed. It has made a HUGE difference. My sinuses actually feel normal, which is just unheard of for me at this time of year. If you have any sinus problems, you have GOT to get one of these.

I went to some more expensive places on my way home tonight in my search for the elusive decent tea pitcher. I went to Bed Bath and Beyond, Ross's Dress for Less, Marshall's Home Store, and Linens n Things. Nothing. Some places had no pitchers at all, and some had the same ones as the cheap places, just with bigger prices. I did find the classic Tupperware 2 quart on, but I'm going to look at the flea market in the morning before I order one. I'm tired of this now, I just want a damn pitcher. But the cheapest I can find a decent one online is about $17, which still seems awfully high to me. Maybe I am just spoiled, I ran across the last one years ago at Big Lots for $1.50. Had I known then, I would have bought five of the damn things.

I guess that's just the way it is when you get older. You get used to using one particular thing. It just seems to fit your hand and your purpose after a while. When it's time to replace it, you want another just like it. My grandparents are the same way. Lord, I'm turning in to Granny Brown.

I went through the grocery store on the way home, and picked up my pitiful Friday night pint of ice cream. I felt like a Cathy Guiswite cartoon come to life. I don't usually eat ice cream, but was just craving some, I guess because of the warmer weather. Still, with that pint in my cart, in the grocery store on a Friday night, I just felt like I was announcing to the world "Look at me! I'm a single gal with no life, preparing to go home and make love to a pint of Haagen Dazs!" Sigh. But I bought the ice cream anyway.

And how typical that I'm buying ice cream when I'm depressed about my weight. I have gained back all the weight I lost last year when Michael and I broke up. I also just saw the pics of me from the Hat Party, and I look awful. I'm torn about this from a romantic perspective. I have gained and lost this same 30 pounds for years. On the one hand, if I meet a guy when I'm at my slimmest, I feel like I'm selling an unrealistic expectation - something I can't keep up. But on the other hand, if I look like Gigantor already, I'm not going to have much chance to sell anything anyway. So I have a choice of honesty with no prospects, or marketing that I may not be able to live up to. How often it comes down to this in the dating world.

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