Tuesday, April 15, 2008

A nice enough evening, and an unexpected challenge

I gave myself my promised treat, and shopped my way home, looking for a tea pitcher. This is apparently going to be much harder than I thought. I went to two Big Lots stores, Family Dollar, Kmart, and Dollar General, and found nothing even close to what I was looking for. Who knew it would be so hard to find a decent tea pitcher here of all places?

I guess I could go to some more expensive places and see what they have. If what I saw today was any indication of the general merchandise available, I can see why brick and mortar stores are having such a hard time competing with the internet. Nothing but junk, junk, junk. I did check the Tupperware website, and they apparently don't make the classic pitcher in a 2 quart size any longer, although they still make the gallon size, which is too big for me. They do make a 2 quart size in their new line of clear acrylic stuff, and it is pretty, but it doesn't seal, and it costs $40. That is just ridiculous. Once again, technology zooms past the obvious. I could get one on Ebay, but I'd really rather buy something local if I can.

While I was out and about, I did finally stop at Frame Warehouse today to get a picture framed that I had been meaning to frame for years and years. I bought this weird cartoon book at the dollar store eons ago, and was going to have a page framed out of it. Michael's birthday present turned out so great that I was inspired to go ahead and drop this one off to finally have it done. They are SUPER nice people, and do beautiful work. They have done all my framing for years. I just love them. Diane, who runs the place, and I used to work together back as the earth cooled, and it's nice to see her, but the whole staff is just wonderful.

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