Friday, April 11, 2008

A visit from Justin

Justin came over tonight so we could get caught up on each other, and what's been going on, gossip, etc. Of course he wanted to see my new glass. I fed him some Caponata, which he seemed to like. We talked for a while and had iced tea on the porch; it was lovely weather this evening. While we were getting ready to eat, my old friend Terry came by. It was SO good to see him. He stayed and talked for a while. We were really close for years and used to live right next door to each other. The things we used to get into. It was like an X-rated (at times) Lucille Ball show. I'm still not sure who Ethel was.

I was going to glue the insert for my hat in tonight, the part that keeps it balanced on my head, but the glue still wasn't dry! It had dried all day while I was at work. This humid weather is killing me this spring, since I'm working with all cold glue.

After he left, I spent a lot of the rest of the evening telling Justin stories from when I was his age (or not much older) and the stuff I used to get into. Then we got into some music stuff, so I burned him a DVD. We looked at pics of his boyfriend Graham's booth at the antique store while we had the computer on. It was a great visit, and it's always good to see him.

He left in the midst of a pretty intense thunderstorm. I hope we're going to have nice weather for Sunday!


JLo said...


This boyfriend's name is Graham.

Preston was the last one.

thefabulousmrthing said...

Oooops! I am SO sorry. I fixed it.

Anonymous said...

As long as I am NOT Fred ,you can both be Ethel, lol, Love ya baby doll M