Saturday, April 12, 2008

A full Saturday*

First thing when I woke up this morning, I checked the insert for my hat. It still felt a bit damp, but it just has to go in. I am attaching things to glass this year. The glue I used for the first part didn't dry clear (although it was supposed to, grrrrr), so I used some clear craft glue to put the insert in. I needed to do that especially because this part goes inside, so the glue will show to the outside of the hat. I weighted it in, and figured I could give it 12 hours to set today, and if I do all the decoration tomorrow I can let it dry overnight. That should be enough time, even with all this damp. I hope.

Had coffee on the porch after, which is just always a good start to the day. I went to the flea market this morning because this woman who bought all this stuff from a defunct antique store told me she was bringing some bubble glass for me to see, but she wasn't there. In fact, almost no one was. It was ugly and overcast.

When I got home, I decided to take a nap while it rained. I hope tomorrow is prettier, today has been ugly so far.

I woke back up later than I intended, and realized I needed to call Walter. We had a date tonight. So I did that, and then realized that since he was coming over tonight, I had to shake a leg and straighten up this house. I really hadn't done anything this week but work on my hat when I was home, and it looked pretty rough.

I did some decoration for my hat, and then hauled off the recycling and ran some errands. After a bit of lunch, I spent the rest of the afternoon cleaning house. It really needed it.

Walter showed up about 7. We talked on the porch for a while, since neither of us was in a hurry for dinner. Conversation flows really naturally with him. I guess it's because we knew each other before. We decided to go for Indian food, because he hadn't been to Saffron yet, and the food there is so amazing. He loved it as much as I did, and raved about how good the food was. After that, we rented a movie and came back to the house to watch it. We got in some good snuggle time on the sofa during the movie, and a bit afterwards....

He left about 1am, since he has to play piano at church in the morning. It was a really nice evening, and I had a really good time with him.

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