Thursday, November 27, 2008

A pretty nice evening makes a sudden turn to the creepy

When I woke up around 5:30, I was - amazingly - hungry again. So I popped some leftover pizza in the oven and turned on the computer to mess around a bit on here. I did my entries, and then started chatting on Bear411. I was also periodically checking my email to see if I had any comments to publish. Now that I have a couple of readers and commenters, I try to stay on top of things.

Unfortunately, because of a creepy poster who was writing things about my mother last year, I had to change the comments feature to edit or review posts before they are published. I was really glad I did after last night. I started getting posts from a new reader. They were initially innocuous, but very shortly became creepy. He was asking a bunch of questions about H, and making unwelcome comments about my love life. I tried to be courteous, but eventually it just became too much. I ended the back-and-fourth and went on to bed.

This is my little fiefdom. It is the only place that I am God. I try my best to be benevolent - this is something that is supposed to be fun. But I will smite if I have to. Be warned.

I did talk to a couple of nice guys on Bear411 tonight though. But as usual, one was four hours away, and the other doesn't seem to have much of an inner life. But I'm trying to keep an open mind and not just reject guys out of hand. I would really like to have someone nice to date and spend some time with, even if he wasn't "The One" at this point. I'm lonely. And I'd like someone to snuggle up with and watch a movie.

I talked to my friend Michael as well. He and his sister were hitting the sales tomorrow. We may be able to work out getting together this weekend, which would be nice. I'd enjoy seeing him.

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