Tuesday, November 4, 2008

I voted!

I got to the polls at 7am. There was already a line out almost to the road through the parking lot at my polling place. I waited for an hour and 15 minutes to vote, and was late for work. But it was worth it. There's just something about seeing everyone out participating that makes me feel proud to be an American. Today was especially gratifying. There were more people of color (all colors) and more younger people than I have ever seen at the polls in my neighborhood. It doesn't matter who they were voting for to me. The important thing is that the electorate is engaged. South Carolina has about as much chance of going blue as I do of passing quantum physics, but I still vote. Because regardless of the outcome, I have to know that I tried, and made my voice heard.

God bless America!

I talked to several people in my neighborhood while I was waiting, and it made me feel good that I live in a place where folks can still just talk to each other. I saw Leslie Johnson, one of my favorite people in the whole wide world, at the polls with her husband, waiting to vote, and I saw my friend Kimberly too. It was a good morning, and I'm glad I went ahead and voted early. My polling place didn't have any "I voted" stickers though, so no free coffee or doughnuts for me. Not that I need them. Mom and I will eat everything that doesn't run away at the beach this week.

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