Monday, November 10, 2008

A visit with Todd

Well needless to say, coming back to work today was a bit of a let-down. On the plus side, though, my boss is in Canada for the week, which makes things a bit more relaxing.

My friend Todd called and invited me over for wine and cheese with him and Donnie. Nicole came as well. I had stuff to do at the house, but I thought the chance to spend some time with Todd was more important. His schedule is crazy and I hardly ever get to see him any more.

We had a lovely time, talking, drinking wine, and nibbling on cheese and crackers. Sadly Donnie wasn't feeling well and left fairly early, as I should have. But I was having such a good time, and Todd made me a glass of Firefly, which I haven't had before, and which is WONDERFUL.

We got into a spirited discussion on the practicalities and romanticism involved with monogamy vs. polygamy. Todd and Nicole argued for monogamy as the only acceptable relationship choice, while I took my own more pragmatic position. It was a very intereresting talk, after which we had to agree to disagree. So many people are still drinking the monogamy Kool-Ade. Marriages still end over this fantasy, and a whole generation of people remain single (or become serial monogamists) because they can't let go of this concept. But what are you gonna do? So few people can be practical about sex. It's societally programmed into us from birth; from the first fairy tales we are read as children to the "white lace and promises" weddings we attend as adults.

Still it was an interesting evening, and I stayed way too late, and drank way too much. I'm gonna be dead tomorrow. But it was worth it.

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