Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Well, I thought he was a nice guy anyway.

No call. I was waiting without trying to wait all day, but Mitch didn't call. I sent an email, and an instant message, but received no response. Finally, after about 9, I called but he didn't pick up. I left a message. If he hadn't made such a point about promising to call today, I wouldn't have been expecting it so much. Of course, I can't call any more without seeming like a Pathological Pit of Need (if I don't already).

After work, I went on over to see BB at the nursing home. I was supposed to go see her last weekend, and it totally slipped my mind. I felt pretty bad about that. I haven't seen her since before the surgery, and Eve asked me to look in on her while they were out of town. I thought I could sneak in and see her before they got back, but they got in last night, and Eve had already been by to see her.

I am way more disappointed about the Mitch thing than I should be. After all, I only met the guy one time. But he seemed so right. Dammit. I would really have liked to get to know him better.

I loathe dating. I hate that feeling of having been sniffed and discarded. I hate feeling old and fat. I hate reading so much into something so small, and acting like a 16 year old again.

And I really hate feeling rejected. Double dammit.

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