Saturday, August 2, 2008

Saturday reading

I ended up not having coffee on the porch after all. It was supposed to be brutally hot today, and when I woke up, I was hoping I would sleep for a while longer, so I didn't make any coffee. I debated driving up to Barnyard flea market in Duncan, but I am really broke (more so after last night - sigh), and decided not to use the gas. So my plan from yesterday was resurrected, and I got out the last Sookie Stackhouse book, All Together Dead, and read it cover to cover. That took most of the day. I had intended to get some stuff done today, but I got all caught up reading and ignored everything else. I just ate up dibs and dabs out of the fridge, which was good. I don't need to be either wasting food, or wasting money and eating extra calories eating out anyway. The book was an excellent read. I am conflicted. On the one hand, I'm really glad there will be more of the series. On the other hand, I HATE being left hanging like this waiting for the next book to come out. I usually prefer to read series after they have already been completed. I'm also kind of down about not having Sookie's life to disappear into at will.

I kind of hoped Russ and Billy would call, since I know they are in town this weekend, but I didn't hear from them. I have decided that I need to stop calling and inviting myself over. Russ works on Saturdays, and Billy has been gone so much I'm sure he was just glad to be home for a bit. If they want to do something with me and call me, I will accept with pleasure, but I can't expect their house to be mine. They are my friends, not my keepers. It looks like I'm going to be on my own for a while, I need to get used to being by myself again.

We had a big rain storm tonight, with penny-sized hail. I kept hearing these things hit the house and wondering what they could be. When I looked out the window, I was really surprised. The wind was blowing so hard I was afraid of tornados for a while, but the sky didn't get that "green" look it gets when tornadoes are coming through. After a while it just settled in and rained buckets, which we really need, but it rained so fast I'm sure most of it ran off. Maybe it will go to the water table and help with that.

When I finished my book, I watched Blazing Saddles, since it was on, and I had never seen it all the way through. I found the continual bleeping of offensive works annoying. I LOVE Madeline Kahn, and she had a small part in it. Other than that, I didn't find it that funny, to be honest, although I know a lot of people really think it is a comedy standard. Towards the end, I just started getting ready for bed.

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