Thursday, August 21, 2008

A rough morning

Well I tried to eat less last night so I would hopefully sleep better, and woke up hungry at 4:30am. So I just can't win for losing. After half a peanut butter sandwich, I did manage to sleep for a while longer, but still woke up feeling drug out and exhausted. I usually pay for not sleeping well the day after anyway. I drug myself to the bathroom and put in some hoochie music to get me moving. This is probably not the best idea, as they play disco/dance music non-stop at Parliament House, and I have a limited tolerance for it. The last time I went down there, I was ready to start disconnecting speakers before I left. It's pumped (pun intended) over the whole grounds of the resort round the clock. But desperate times call for desperate measures.

I had a good morning at work, and got all my write-offs in and submitted for approval. My boss couldn't even kick any of them back for further work, which he really tries to do.

After that, I had time to put together my packing list for the trip and get my errands put in order for tonight after work. Tomorrow the goal will be to get out of town as soon as humanly possible, so I'm trying to get all the niggling stuff done tonight. My boss is letting me skip lunch and skip out the door an hour early, which I rarely ask to do. I also called the hotel and confirmed my reservation. So now there is no more trip stuff I can do until I get off work.

Tomorrow is going to drag out forever.


Helena said...

Kinky too? :-) And I was just looking for a vegetarian. I noticed you've seen the Abba movie too. I posted about it in my blog, thought it was refreshing and inspiring, but it could've been a lot better... Meryl Streep has taken opera singing lessons, you know.

thefabulousmrthing said...

I'm a pescetarian also. I didn't even go there.

thefabulousmrthing said...

I agree with you about Mama Mia, btw. I enjoyed it, but it could have been much better.

If Streep has taken opera lessons, she didn't demonstrate that kind of range. I'm a fan, but I would describe her voice as passable.