Thursday, August 28, 2008

Out with the bears

I continue to have strange dreams this week. I guess I am catching up on my REM sleep from this past weekend. Last night, I was eating dinner in a restaurant with Divine and one other friend. When the waiter came over, he was really hot, so I started doing stuff to him. Divine ended up eating him - literally - and we all ended up going to trial for it. For some reason, we all wore full-length black eyelash lame` gowns with trim of cheap, bright red feathers to the trial. During the recess for lunch, Divine's got torn, so she just ripped it off. Of course she was naked underneath. In a sign of solidarity, we all ripped our gowns off and were running across the square towards the court-house naked when I woke up. Weird. Do other people dream about cannibalistic dead drag queens? I've never met any. And the stuff I dream about is never in the dream dictionary either.


I went to get my hair cut tonight after work. There were a couple of other bear guys stacked up at the shop. I finally got David's recipe for the Best Artichoke Dip I have Ever Tasted!! I was really stoked about that. I would make some this weekend, but a) I'm broke and b) I just ate 15 pounds of cheese in queso dip last week. I should probably give my system a bit of a break and eat a vegetable.

The cafeteria will be closed all week next week at work, and I'm debating between making more of that fabulous pasta salad, or continuing to take subs. I've had a craving for the old Red Barn subs I used to get when they were open, and I've been making them lately.

Dinner out was nice, as always. We went to Capri's. I just love that place. Since I've been in such a pizza mood lately, I didn't get my usual spaghetti. Plus, honestly, this pizza probably had less cheese on it than the bakes spaghetti does, plus it had some veggies. I was impressed that they used fresh broccoli on it.

After dinner, we stood around outside discussing movies, things that scared me when I was a child (which are legion), and possible future activites for the bear group. I'd like for us all to go to a drive-in movie. I think that would be fun. And there is one still running stuff up near Asheville, the last I heard. I also need to get the dates for the Anderson County Fair.

It was a nice evening. But Jinx was way pissed when I got home. Her dinner has been late twice this week, and she is over it. LOL

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hunnie, Yo ass is CRAAAZEEEE!lol "dead canabilistic drag queens '?Oooo wee what did you eat before bed ? love ya, Michael S