Tuesday, August 5, 2008

I got the secret to that pasta salad at work today - Yay~! Now I can make it, hopefully. I just have the ingredients, not the proportions, but I figure I can work that out. I was sworn to secrecy over the recipe, so I won't be able to share this one.

After work, despite a fierce craving for nachos, I virtuously went home and ate salad for dinner, then ruined by eating Pop Tarts for dessert. Oh well, you can't be perfect.

I heard from Mom today. They put a new cast on her, and it's on for another three weeks. She still isn't able to put an weight on her foot. Hopefully the next cast will be a walking cast. She is really over it, and I can't blame her. It's been like 9 weeks now since she went into a cast.

I called Granny Brown tonight. It was her birthday yesterday. She's 90. Apparently she had a big day, and several of her sisters came over. They had fried chicken and stuff.

I should have been reading Wodehouse last night, but I vegged in front of the TV instead. At 8 Now Voyager came on. Sigh. I just love that movie. Of course I ended up watching the whole thing. Well, I did get on the computer a bit during some of the scenes with Tina. She kind of gets on my nerves. Bonita Granville was of course wonderful as cousin June. They were doing a salute to Claude Rains last night on TCM. When that went off, they had Mr Skeffington on. An embarrassment of riches. And dammit, every weekend when I have time to watch they always have some John Wayne crap on. I had to go on to bed. Just as well. Skeffington hits a bit close to home for me.

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