Thursday, May 1, 2008

A visit with Kat and dana

I haven't seen Kat and dana since the birthday party. Really. And that has been over a month ago. So I feel like a really bad friend. Plus, Miss Kat has been on my mind for the last week or so, since I'm reading the Marketplace Books again. She was really helping me work through a bunch of stuff when I read them the first time, plus she was really my mentor in the whole BDSM headspace. Anyway, I had been thinking I needed to call her, and when she called me last night, I told her I would come visit tonight.

I thought I was going to have to cancel, since tomorrow night is Eve's birthday (my stepmom), and I thought I was going to bake her cake tonight, but Dad told me she has had oral sugrery today, and so it would be better to wait on the cake until her mouth felt better. Which worked out, since I was able to go tonight.

Anyway, they seem very happy still, and it does my heart good to see them. We had a good visit with lots of converstation, iced tea, and cigarettes. Her dog, Chase, is blessedly still with us. He is pretty old, and not in the greatest shape, but they both adore him, and dana in particular has made it her goal that he spend his golden years absolutely spoiled rotten. She is succeeding.

I regaled them with stories of my disastrous love life, which they seemed to find endlessly amusing. Fortunately. It is always good to see them. I'm still feeling drug out from this allergy thing, but I wasn't about to miss this visit.

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