Thursday, May 31, 2012

A post in which I get some thank yous done

So many people have been so nice to me in the last year that I've kind of paced myself on doing thank yous, but they have started to weigh on me a bit.  Today I had lunch scheduled out with Donna and Gail.  They are two women I work with who really took me to their hearts during treatment last year. 

Gail started a whole thing about how sexy my bald head was after I lost my hair.  She knew how upset I was about it, and launched a whole campaign to make me feel better.  She even offered to shave her own head (I wouldn't hear of it).  She and Donna both worried and fussed over me, and made sure I ate.  They were the ones I told about the passing out once it started happening during the day, just in case it happened in the office.  Donna made me a whole meal and sent it home with me on my birthday.  They both just went out of their way to be kind and look after me.

As I had anticipated, Gail balked at my paying for lunch.  After a little struggle, though, she gave way under the weight of consensus among the group.  Some people just make it so hard for you to do something nice for them!  My tentative plan had been to get them in my car and whisk them away to Stax Grill, which is a pretty nice place; but Gail is a pretty picky eater and she wanted Mexican today.  That was fine with me.  Donna's more open about what she eats.  On the enthusiastic recommendation of another co-worker, we went to Papas & Beer.  I had never been, but the food we had was excellent.  There was a salsa bar with all kinds of salsas.  The atmosphere was a bit crowded and kind of junky for me.  We really enjoyed lunch though, and ate basically until we couldn't move.  That made for a long sleepy afternoon for yours truly, all stuffed with nachos.  Still though, it was nice to get that done, and show my appreciation for their kindness.  I have a couple of vases for them, and I'll bring in flowers at some random date in the not-too-distant-future, and then my thank yous to them will be done.  Not so many left now. 

Eventually work was over though, and I left to complete my appointed rounds.  I went by Ross's Dress for Less and returned the lamp shade I had picked up last week that didn't work.  Then I ran into Ingle's to pick up eggs, and home for supper.

We have a food day planned for tomorrow, so I put the eggs on to boil before I started doing other stuff.  After I ate, I tried to peel them.  I had planned to make deviled eggs, which are one of my favorite things.  I have three distinctly different recipes, all of which are delicious.  The eggs, however, were not cooperating.  Stale eggs (a week or so old) peel much more easily than fresh eggs.  They keep the eggs so fresh at the grocery store now that if you want stale eggs you have to plan ahead, and I had not.  When I finished up (finally) I was looking at a bowl of mangled, shaggy boiled eggs.  There was no way I could devil these - I have a rep to protect.  I briefly thought about going back to the store and starting over (it was 9pm at this point), and then though screw it, egg salad it is

I made the egg salad, stowed it in the fridge, cleaned the kitchen, made a brief run to the store for fancy sandwich bread, and turned in. 

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