Friday, May 11, 2012

A post in which I visit Miss Kat and Dana

Man was I ever ready for the weekend this morning!  I just kept telling myself one more day, one more day, I think I can, I think I can.  Eventually it was over.

I sent a text to Miss Kat and Dana, and Miss Kat messaged me back to say come on over AND we would get pizza!  Yay!  It was a double treat. 

They usually don't want me there before 7:30 (which I can completely understand - you want time to get in the door and get your shawl undone, at least) but I also know they eat early, so as soon as I got home I changed and headed on.  But first, a detour through the grocery store.  We had planned to order pizza, but you just never show up empty-handed as a guest, and it's a bad habit I've gotten into of late with them.  I got a cheesecake assortment and some cookies for dessert, and a couple of bags of Munchos to tide us over until the pizza got there. 

I hadn't thought about Munchos in years until last weekend.  Russ got some at the grocery store and I once again found them to be unbelievably delicious.  They aren't really like potato chips really.  They're more like fried potato foam.  They're hard to describe.  But they are horrible for you, not found in nature, and at certain times they are the perfect food.  Miss Kat ate only a couple.  Dana ate none.  Guess who mostly finished polishing off one of the bags? 

On the way over, Gracine (my car) claimed her blood price.  We hit a chipmunk.  I have never killed so many animals as I have with this car.  She's like Christine in a way.  There seems to be a troubling correlation between killing something and a spike in my glass luck.  Disturbing.

We visited and caught up.  It was great to see them, and a lovely way to end the week.

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