Friday, May 25, 2012

A post in which it is the eterniday

Well since yesterday felt like Friday all day, today felt like I was working on a Saturday.  The day started off with the quarterly meeting, which was surprisingly well attended.  That just made the day longer though, because we had to be here a half hour early.  They do give us breakfast, and I had a biscuit with craisins on it in a sugar glaze that was delicious.  Usually the fare is pretty meat-centric.

It was the last day before a holiday, so management was gone (Alan was gone), but the whole sales staff was here.  It was pretty dead though, and pretty much everyone was not-working.  Most of the customers were already gone for the long weekend.  I finished up what I needed to do by about 10:30am, and then had plenty of time to exercise my willpower trying not to go out to lunch.  I was out of lunches, so I brought an Amy's frozen ravioli bowl today.  That is good, but it isn't the lunch buffet at Saffron, which was what I really wanted.  But I forbore, despite a blood sugar crash, which I hate.  It makes you feel wonky for the rest of the day.  I did break down and get M&M's out of the vending machine which I never do (it's like you're at Disneyland - they know they have a captive audience - one pack of M&M's was 90 freakin' cents).  I just had to have some chocolate. 

I think I got my period today.  I was bloated with water weight gain, irritable for no good reason (it was a quiet, if eternal, day), felt crappy, and really wanted nothing but sweets.  Compounding my unhappiness was that the boys would be out of town this weekend, as would Rhonda.  Cole was coming to town tonight to see Dad and Eve (and I imagine score some new tires for his car - the ones on there are bald).  Eve invited me for dinner, and as much as I would have loved to see him, I just didn't have the patience for them tonight.

Besides, Miss Kat sent a text and invited me to go over there, and I really needed to see them tonight.  It was just that kind of day.  I called her after work and we made plans for me to pick up supper at Hibachi Express on my way over.  She wouldn't let me pay.  I'm gonna have to be disrespectfully annoying to get them to let me do something nice for them.  But it was good to see them, and dinner was nice, and the visit was lovely.  I got them caught up on Columbia last weekend, seeing my mom, etc.  Dana soothed away my week for me and pressed the 're-set' button.  It was a very nice way to start the long weekend. 

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