Thursday, May 2, 2013

A post in which things are going pretty well

I called Eve first thing this morning to tell her Happy Birthday, and to tell her I would see her next week.  She seemed fine, but then with them you never really know.

Amazingly, I am back on top of my desk.  We finished the US short form today and I got it in for approval.

Also, I had a hit on Growl'r from a nice guy named Gary.  He lives in Columbia, and we ended up talking on the phone tonight.  He's nice. 

Tonight was dinner out with the guys.  I really shouldn't have gone, but it was at Della Ventura, and I just couldn't resist.  It was good to see everyone, and although the signature 'pink sauce' has been better on other visits, Della's on a bad day is better than most Italian restaurants on a good day.  Joe was there, and greeted me personally.  He is such a nice man that I really like the idea of spending money at his place.

I sat with Jake and caught him up on the beach.  Lee and Joel billed and cooed.  Bill and John bitched about the service (which was a little slow).  When we got the checks, the waitress had 15%'d us.  I used to leave extra, but these days I just take it that she hedged her bets and decided on the sure thing, so that's what the server gets.  Since the service tonight wasn't so hot anyway, I didn't feel at all bad about not leaving extra. 

It was a good day.

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