Sunday, May 5, 2013

A post in which I am blown away*

Pretty much.

I was up early this morning, and too excited to go back to sleep.  I made a light breakfast (my blood sugar is more volatile if I'm excited or upset) and started getting ready for Gary to come.  I had done most of what needed to be done yesterday, but there were still preparations to be made.  I was trying to take my time, not add things to the list, and not work myself into a tizz.  I did pretty well.

About the time I finished up what I had planned to do, I had a text from Gary, who was running late.  That's par for the course.  Gay men I have found are not punctual as a rule.  I wasn't upset about it, but it did leave me more time to get keyed up.  But I finished up getting ready and settled in to wait.  There was a marathon of RuPaul's Drag Race on Logo, and that helped.

You know how you look forward to something so much, and build it up in your mind until the reality can't be anything but a let-down?  Well this was nothing like that.  Gary is very attractive, just as sweet in person as he was online, and the almost instant rapport which we felt translated into the real world quite nicely.  PLUS (and even better) he seemed to feel the same way.

We visited for a while at the house, and then after some discussion, headed to Kannika's Thai Kitchen for a late lunch/early supper.  I think Gary may love Thai food even more than I do.  We had an excellent meal.

I had thought we might take a walk downtown and take in the foot bridge today, but the weather was vile: cold, drizzly rain.  Instead, we just went back to the house and snuggled in with a movie.  It was perfect weather for that.  So we spent the afternoon snuggled up warm in the house, visiting, getting to know each other, and watching the movie.  Well, some of it.  He had to leave too soon.

If I can keep from screwing this up...

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