Friday, March 8, 2013

A post in which it is time for the weekend

The solution to the financial issue came to me this morning.  I'll just move my car payment.  It's due on Monday, but if I move it to Friday that solves the problem.  I've been paying on it for three years - they can wait a day or two.

Work went smoothly.  I was able to start working on the last gargantuan Canadian write-off I have to do from the old days.  It will be an under-taking, and I'll be doing it through a different office than I did the others, but it can be done. 

I had plans tonight to go see Miss Kat and Dana, and confirmed with them.  Dana called to say she would be making spaghetti, and was making a special pot of veggie sauce so that I could eat with them tonight.  It was so sweet.  I didn't have the heart to tell her I'd been eating spaghetti all week.  It was fine.  I love pasta, and it's really no hardship for me to eat pasta twice in one day - Italians do it all the time, I'm sure.  The dinner was good, although we relaxed before we ate and I ended up eating WAY too much.  So much for losing weight.  After dinner Miss Kat whipped up a version of a dump cake that turned out lovely, with a crunchy/chewy sugary crust on top that I just couldn't get enough of. 

It was a good visit, as always.  We hung out and talked, and watched a little telly.  It was a nice wind-down to a difficult week.

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