Saturday, March 30, 2013

A post in which it is a nice Saturday with Mom

We woke up to a beautiful day.  I slept well (thanks to pills), and when I got up Mom was already up.  We were going to the flea market today, but decided to go to breakfast first.  Mama loves to go out to breakfast, but doesn't really have anyone to go with these days.  We went to Lizard's Thicket (one of her favorite places to go - they do have good food) and had a nice breakfast.  There was a bit of a problem getting coffee, but their coffee is really excellent. 

Thus fortified, we set off to the Barnyard Flea Market.  I have had good luck there in the past, but we had taken our time this morning, and it was pretty much too late for any glass.  I went as much for the walk as anything, but you never know what you'll find.  There was a woman out this morning selling beautiful little dish gardens in fancy glass containers.  We walked the whole thing without seeing much (although I did get a Christmas idea for Russ...), and were headed out to the car when I noticed a booth I hadn't paid much attention to earlier.  There was a woman out with a whole collection of her old Sunday-go-to-meeting hats!  I stopped to take a closer look and saw one that would be perfect for the Hat Party; after winning Most Flawless twice, I have decided to take a hiatus from competition.   The woman was very nice, and let me try the hat on.  She and Mom agreed that it looked good on me.  She was funny.  I figured she just wanted to sell the hat, but as I was leaving, she said "Hey!"  When I turned around, she said "You look good."   I got a big kick out of it.

We decided to go on to the #1 Flea Market while we were out that way anyway.  I thought we were not going to be able to get near the place!  After a long period of unseasonable cold, it was pretty today, and apparently everyone wanted to get out and go to the flea market.  Despite the lateness of the hour, there was a long line of cars to get in.  We made it in though, and walked around.  I have to say that despite the number of shoppers, there wasn't much on offer.  I found a nice denim jacket, but the guy wanted way too much for it.  We left without buying anything, which is really unusual for us.

By the time we got back to the house, we were both pretty wiped.  Since I'm post-chemo, Mom and I wear down at pretty much the same pace.  We had a little smackerel of something and took a nap.  We took it easy this afternoon.  We chatted and played on our computers after we woke up.  Eventually, we decided to go get some supper.  We ended up going for Japanese.  Mom likes teppanyaki, and we went to a Japanese steak house to get some.  Sometimes the chefs can be a bit much at these places - the ones around us were distractingly loud and rather abrasive, but the guy we had was just starting at the restaurant, and was nice (despite, or perhaps because of, being a white dude).  We had a good meal.  We were at a 'compiled' table of couples that just walked in, but seated next to a police officer and his wife.  They were nice.  It was very pleasant.

After dinner, we headed back to her place to make Easter dinner.  Mom was making a chicken casserole, and I had volunteered to make a pasta salad.  I had cooked the noodles earlier, so it went together pretty quickly.  I made it with a vinaigrette dressing, since Lisa has developed a pathological aversion to mayonnaise, which she has instilled in the children.  Whatever. 

It had turned off warm today, which pointed out the other thing I forgot to pack - shorts.  Eventually tonight I just made pasta salad in my boxers. 

We finished up cooking in pretty decent time, and went on to bed.  It had been a good day.

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