Monday, May 24, 2010

A post in which is just a day, just an ordinary day

I actually woke up this morning feeling pretty good, which was a refreshing change. I’m just hoping it will hold through the weekend. After that I have until the 10th to feel like somebody again. I went down a belt hole in my black belt today, which made me pretty damn happy. At least I haven't been starving myself to no effect. I'm trying to remember that I'm doing this for health, and not for appearance, because my appearance hasn't really changed much. I stay the same shape, so I've basically just become a smaller fat person. I'm not weighing until I go to the doctor on the 17th. I'm afraid that if I have lost the 20lbs I'll relax and start eating more, and if I haven't I'll get discouraged and quit watching what I eat. So I won't know how I've done until I go back to the doctor.

I went on to work, did my thing, and stopped by the grocery store on my way home to spend too much money. I didn’t really buy anything I didn’t need, but I just went in for more Emergen-C and walked out $50 later. I did get some grocery store sushi as a reward for going home to eat salad when I really wanted to go pig out somewhere.

I got home, ate supper, and did a load of laundry. I want all my favorite shorts clean for this weekend. I made some tea, and changed the filters in my water pitchers. I’m really trying to be good this week. I’m hoping that the rest I got this weekend will end this round of E-B, but there’s really no way to know for a couple of days at least.

I intended to turn in early, but just plain wasn’t tired. I eventually turned in around ten, but then couldn’t sleep. I drifted off an hour or so later.

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