Thursday, May 6, 2010

A post in which I send the Mother's Day cards

I paid for last night. I felt like hammered shit when I woke up this morning, plus I was out of cigarettes, but there was nothing for it but to soldier on.

Temptation was everywhere today. I was trying to resist because I’ve had a pretty indulgent week. Fifty-seven pounds of Indian Food Monday night, and then Cinco de Mayo food for lunch yesterday (we got a free lunch, and I didn’t do too badly with it), followed up by seven thousand pounds of nachos last night. We had another free lunch today, but it was sliders (with no lettuce or tomato on offer), hot dogs, chicken strips, french fries, and slaw. Usually when they make hamburgers, I just make a sandwich out of the fixings, but that wasn’t an option today. I might have gone for some fries (indeed, I can always go for some fries), but after eating all I had this week, I decided to just forego the lot and eat my packed lunch, which I did.

When I got off work I was ravenous, but I had to go buy Mother’s Day cards, which I had uncharacteristically put off until the last minute this year. That accomplished, I seriously considered going out for something indulgent, the rationale being that I could address the cards at dinner and drop them by the post office on the way home. But again I uncharacteristically decided to resist temptation and go on home. I virtuously had a salad and some diet cheese toast, and then a pack of Pop Tarts to reward myself, which rather defeated the intent, although at least I didn’t spend money eating out.

Citizen Kane was on TCM, so I watched it. I’ve never made it all the way through that movie, but at least coming in mid-story allowed me to see the second half. Meh. I just can’t get excited about that movie, although the techniques were good.

While the movie wound down, I wrote out and addressed the Mother’s Day cards. I didn’t have to mail Lisa’s or Eve’s because we’re all having lunch for Mother’s Day this Sunday – at Larkin’s on the River yet. I took them to the downtown post office so hopefully they’ll make it to everyone before Sunday; nothing to do now but cross my fingers, since I really left it too late this year.

I drove home, crossed my fingers, and went to bed. And a damn good thing I did too. I am ready to drop.

1 comment:

JLo said...

Please tell me your profile picture wasn't taken in a toilet... :-P