Tuesday, May 4, 2010

A post in which I go home and go to bed

Sorry folks, an unusual lull tonight. After the activities of the weekend and last night, I am pretty much all in. I haven't been taking care of my E-B like I should, and I just plain needed a night off.

I texted Billy this morning when I got to work, but his response was kind of lackluster. I thought that last night went so beautifully that I was kind of disappointed, but I'm trying not to read too much into it. I have read that Sagittarians like to be pursued, and indeed I have noted that he rarely initiates communications. He did say he would call tonight though.

I ate leftovers, fooled around on the computer, and did a load of laundry. Then I texted Billy that I was going to bed, and I did. He did text back to tell me goodnight, which was nice.

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