Tuesday, March 10, 2009

A post in which I have a very strange night

My sleep last night was full of dreams. They say that sleeping pills reduce REM sleep. I guess that has been what was going on while I was sick. I dreamed all night last night.

- In the first part, I was a boy traveling with my (dream) grandmother through backwoods North country. We stopped at a small farm to buy crafts and pumpkins, only to land in the web of some country witches who drained us of our youth to make themselves younger. My grandmother was reduced to an ancient husk, barely alive, since she had almost no life left. She was put up in the attic on a bed. I was kept around as the man of the house slowly drained my vitality. He made me read through a matchbox he kept in his pocket in the evenings, and in the reading my voice became older and thinner, while his became more youthful and vigorous. I watched the gray leach slowly out of all their hair. I was kept in inside, and watched them through the window while they worked during the day as I became progressively more weak.

- In the second part, I was in the country with one of Terry's relatives (a dream relative, not someone I ever met). I became unwittingly involved in a magical killing as this relative killed Terry's grandmother through a spell. For some reason, it was vital that I tell Terry about what I witnessed. I called Terry in the dream, but it was too late. His grandmother's spirit had already visited him and told him her version of events.

I went rushing to his house for some reason, only to find that he was still living in an old apartment he had on Earl Street, and was still living with his ex-lover Michael. It was vital that I tell Michael what I had seen, but as soon as I started trying to, his young nephew (he doesn't have one that I know of, this was a miscellaneous tow-headed dream child) showed up at the door, and I had to get him to go away, as I was afraid he would have nightmares. As I got him away, Michael's parents showed up at the door for Sunday dinner, which Michael was suddenly in the midst of cooking. Michael's father (who in the dream looked remarkably like the elder gypsy from the movie Chocolat, for some reason) walked in and immediately turned on blasting Christian radio and began bustling around in the kitchen, making sure dinner was finished to his specifications. In the way of dreams, the apartment was expanded and had a dining room big enough for us all to sit down in where the bathroom actually was in the real apartment. Michael's family (a dream family, they didn't look much like his real family) was there, Terry was there, my mother, my father and Eve, as were Cindy and Paul. We all joined hands, and my father said a surprisingly humble and touching blessing/prayer. We started eating, and I tasted the best macaroni pie (made with penne, actually in the dream) I have ever tasted. As I commented on how good it was, my mother said "It's Miss Ruby's recipe."

Yeah, it was quite a night.


Anonymous said...

OH JEEZ,lol I've invaded your dreams ? My life is weird enough already lol even if my mac and cheese in killer lol M

thefabulousmrthing said...

Even stranger, in the dream, the penne pie had tomatoes and black-eyed peas in it, yet it was delicious. I have tried putting tomatoes in macaroni pie before, and know from experience it doesn't work.