Wednesday, October 22, 2008

A visit with Miss Kat and dana

I came in to work today with a loaded schedule. Weekly slides and a full call slate, but I got everything done. Just nothing extra.

When I got home, I had the sweetest emails from Rhonda, from Lady Beth, and Lori sharing their happiness that I had been invited to join The Kindred. I was very touched.

I called Miss Kat to find out what they were up to tonight, and she invited me for a visit. I had been almost two months since I had seen them, and that is just way too long.

We talked about my invitation to join The Kindred, and my worries about what I had to offer the group, and of course she knew exactly what to say. She told me that if the group didn't feel that I had anything to offer, the invitation wouldn't have been extended in the first place, and that all I needed to offer the group was myself. It was lovely of her. When I got home, Lady Beth had sent me a wonderful email saying the same thing. You know, I really should have known that without them telling me. I guess it's just hard for me to take in the reality that such a wonderful group of people want me to be one of them. When we were talking about it tonight, dana said that she had put in "about 150 votes" in my favor when my membership was discussed. Still makes my eyes tear up when I think about it.

While I was with Miss Kat, she gave me my birthday present they had for me. It was a lovely Mayfair pink bowl. As if that wasn't enough, she then filled it with some luscious lime and powdered sugar cookies that she makes. Needless to say, any thoughts of watching my weight were immediately forgotten. We had tea and cookies and talked until dana went to bed. Then I realized I needed to get on home anyway.

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