Thursday, October 2, 2008

Dragging myself along

I've been sleeping poorly this week, probably because we're at the height of allergy season now with ragweed and all. I have the British mania for fresh air, but I don't seem to have the constitution for it. Sadly, with hay fever as bad as mine is, at the pretty times of the year when I really want the windows open is really the last time I should actually have them open because of the heightened pollen counts.

After waking up about 4:30am from a strange dream in which I found myself featured in a series of sequential commercials for Coco-Puffs cereal (which I haven't eaten in at least 15 years, I got up and made coffee and had a cigarette to get me moving. I'm having to do that more lately, it seems, but it's that or fall asleep at my desk.

Needless to say, it was a long day.

When I got off work, I once again thought I would clean the bathroom. I've been putting off a deep clean for a while, and just kind of hitting the worst of it, since I hate to clean the bathroom. Really. Worse than almost anything.

True to form, I found a way not to do it tonight. I decided the ceiling fans all needed cleaning. I have one in every room, and truly they were in pretty bad shape. I took out all the light bulbs and washed them, etc. By the time I got done, I was starving, and decided I had done enough for tonight.

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