Tuesday, October 21, 2008

And still more family stuff*

When I got to work today, I had a fairly full day planned.

Then Cindy called. I haven't talked to her in almost a year. She too wanted to talk about the whole Eve and Dad estrangement thing. It was good to talk to her, and it was good to hear her side of the story. Paul is the only one who has called me during all this before today, and I wanted to hear what she had to say about it.

But the whole thing is just so sad. Everyone is hurting over this situation, and Dad, although he was the one originally wronged in this, seems to be the main reason there hasn't been a reconciliation yet. He's just gotten so hard.

And I'm left back in the same position I was before. I have heard two completely different versions of the same story. Both sound pretty plausable, in all honesty. And the "proofs" involved really don't prove anything one way or the other. It seems that we are now heading toward legal action, which will just further and cement the split. I don't know of anything I can do to head that off, and I guess if it comes to that I'll end up in the middle of it and everyone will be mad at me. Since the family seems irrevocably spit anyway, I guess that doesn't make much difference. But at least right now everyone is still talking to me.

After I got off the phone with Cindy, the computers crashed at work, and that ate a huge chunk of my day. I did get some work done late in the afternoon, but didn't make a dent in what I had planned.

After work, I went to visit with a buddy of mine who calls me when he's in town. It was good to see him. After that, I went to the drug store and the grocery store. I didn't get home until about 8pm.

I stuck some white sweet potatoes Eve had given me in the oven to bake (they wouldn't have been good when they got back) while I ate dinner. I did a bit of laundry and turned in early. At least I have a bit more justification for being tired tonight.

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