Monday, October 13, 2008

The long way home

I dragged myself into work today. I had a helluva week ahead. A big court case was supposed to go into mediation this week. That meant putting together discovery, meeting with the attorney, dinner out with him and my boss tomorrow night, plus the mediation itself on Thursday. Thursday night I'm getting my hair cut since the shop is closed the next week while Russ moves it. Plus, I have laundry and chores I skipped out on Sunday to do. But then, things unexpectedly opened up, and the mediation was moved to the first week of December. So my week got a lot less crowded.

When it was time to get off, there was a traffic jam so bad I couldn't even get out of the parking lot. So I didn't. I got my book, went to the breakroom, and read for an hour.

I had lots of stuff I needed to do Sunday and didn't do. I went by the library, turned in my overdue library book, and paid the fine. I also got a book to read, since I don't have anything on my order in list there right now.

I went by the grocery store, and picked up some stuff I was out of, some stuff that I wasn't, got some money, and decided what to have for dinner this week.

By the time I got home and fed the cats it was almost 8. I made a spinach salad and sat down to watch the Daily Show, but it was a re-run from the 8th. Apparently they want a lot of mileage out of having Michelle Obama on the show. I guess that was a bit of a coup for them. But I had already seen it, so I watched Spongebob instead. I turned in early. I'm still missing sleep from the weekend.

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