Wednesday, October 15, 2008

I got an amazing amount of work done today, especially considering that we had the %$$%#!! quarterly meeting this morning. At 40 minutes, this was the shortest one I have ever attended (even if about half of was about reducing travel and entertainment expenses, which affect about 20% of the staff). I was grateful. I got my weekly Wednesday slides in on time, amazingly, got my regular calls done, and did all my account reconciliations. I left work feeling self-satisfied.

Eve called today about the trip this weekend. Apparently I am to be at their house at 8:30am, just like on a workday. This trip just sounds worse as we go. I really love my grandmother. I also asserted to Eve today that I wanted politics officially barred as a topic of conversation for the ride - that I wouldn't spend six hours in a car with Dad yelling at me. She agreed. Not that she can really do anything about this, but she'll mention it to Dad, and hopefully it will make some difference. At least I feel as if I've made an effort to avert a fight.

I stopped on the way home for cole slaw. I made hot dogs and chili tonight. While I was at the store, I got my Halloween candy. I'm all ready for the Trick or Treaters now. I just loving giving the kids candy :) It makes me happy.

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