Monday, September 1, 2008

The best laid plans...*

I woke up this morning really intending to get some stuff done. It just didn't seem to work out very well.

I ate breakfast and cleaned up, then just messed around for a while. I had a full night's sleep last night, but still ended up taking a nap. By the time I got ready to go out to the store and stuff, it was 1pm, and I decided to eat lunch before I left. There was a "Monk" marathon on TV, and I got caught up in that while I was eating.

I finally left the house around 3 or so. I did the shopping, hauled off the recycling, and came back home to start cooking. I made a pasta salad to take for lunch next week, since the cafeteria is going to be closed, and I have to have something that doesn't have to be heated up. I did a bit of laundry.

So it was nice, since I had the day off. But this house is still a wreck.

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