Friday, September 5, 2008

I sleep poorly, then start setting up the weekend

I slept really badly last night. Partly Chinese indigestion, partly upset about the feud between my friends. I woke up after 2 hours when the TV went off. Then I woke up again after having a nightmare about getting a ticket from a very nasty cop in Charlotte. I was telling him off when I woke up. I finally got back to sleep again, and then had a dream that I had been in a beauty contest and won two prizes. One I don't remember, but the other was a inner tube covered rather in-expertly in dried snake skins. I was trying to talk someone into taking that prize to my house for me (no one wanted to touch it) when I woke up. I had an hour to go. I did manage to doze off for a bit before the alarm went off.

Justin called today to ask me to lunch tomorrow for my birthday. He has a present for me. He wants me to come up to Spartanburg though. I can do that. I guess we can just antique our way back down. Maybe I'll go back to that antique store where I found those fairy plates in January... Sherman will be with me by that point.

I emailed Sherman an itinerary for the weekend, but haven't heard back. I guess it will be OK.

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