Saturday, September 13, 2008

Back to reality - chores must be done

Since I'm playing tomorrow. I got up this morning late and went on to the flea market to do a walk-through and buy produce. I met my friend Andrew and his friend Michael over there, which was an unexpected pleasure. Since I was walking around with them, I ended up staying a lot longer than I intended, and doing all the inside buildings and stuff. I was enjoying myself though, and it was good to see Andrew. I finally broke off though, and headed on home. When I got back I ate something and took a little nap.

Then it was right into the kitchen to start cooking. I made a big Mexican Rice Pilaf to eat on next week, and have hot lunches out of. This was one Michael's favorite recipes, and I hadn't made it since he left, but I can see why he liked it so much. It turned out really good.

That done, I cleaned up the kitchen, got cleaned up, and did a bit of laundry.

Then it was off to the grocery store. I stocked up on lime seltzer (among other things), since Joe likes it so much, and I ran out last night. I'll be ready for the next visit now.

I had intended on going to bed early, since I have such a heavy day planned tomorrow, but Lifetime had the premier of their movie about the life of Coco Chanel on, with Shirley McClain playing old Coco. It was really good, and I didn't end up turning it off until late.

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