Monday, September 29, 2008

I am a naughty, naughty boy

After work tonight, I headed to the Ross's Dress for Less near work to see if they had any of those Nikes in. They didn't. I did find a pair of black pants I kind of liked (I HATE buying pants when I'm fat) and needed, and a set of orange sherbert colored Westpoint 100% cotton 400 thread-count sheets I definately did NOT need. I got them anyway. I keep trying to get some sheets as nice as the ones Lee has. I then headed for the one in Simpsonville to see if they had them. They did, but not the color I wanted, nor did they have my size.

After a run through the grocery store (where I found out they are changing manufacturers and no longer have the recycled paper towels I use), I headed home on the toll road. Since I don't have anything at the house really for dinner, I stopped for Chinese buffet, my rationale being that after the lunch I ate today, at least it wasn't more cheese.

So I was just a triple-whammy of decadence. More sheets, buring gas for no good reason, and eating Chinese buffet that I really didn't need at all. Not to mention coming home on the toll road, which just adds insult to injury.

I got in and put my sheets in to wash. I contemplated the fact that I may well be the Miss Havisham of Greenville, covetously gathering linens for a trousseau that may indeed never be needed. Albeit I'm a Miss Havisham who apparently gets laid more regularly than the original.

I then found out difinitively that petroleum jelly does not cure sick glass when I washed my platter. Nor does Bon Ami, which I tried next. I did find a website tonight that says you have to leave the jelly on for 4-5 days. I guess I could try that.

When I took my sheets out of the washer, they didn't seem to have pilled, but I noticed the package said they are combed cotton. Story of my life - I thought it was what I wanted until I got it home. Dammit. I hate furry sheets. I also won't have "sateen". Apparently no one makes good ole percale anymore. I did notice tonight that both Ross's stores had these ugly satin animal print sheets. In addition to the expected tiger and leopard prints, they had alligator in both a golden tan and a rich brown. These were slightly less horrendous, although of course I wouldn't have them on a bet. But at least they didn't automatically make me think of a trailer park.

I squirted toilet bowl cleaner on my little sick bowl, and went to bed.

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