Friday, September 26, 2008

A lazy day**

When I got home, I decided I needed a nap, since I was up at 4am this morning. I did manage to sleep a bit more before I got up for good, but it was a pretty crappy night.

When I woke up, I felt lazy. The yard was all wet, so I really couldn't trim bushes, and it was too late in the day to start painting the front door. I kind of thought Russ and Billy might call to invite me along on their dinner with some friends tonight, but I didn't hear from them.

I fooled around on the computer and made meals of dibs and dabs out of the fridge. I found out those shoes I wanted at Ross's were Nike Daybreaks, and they really do cost $80 retail. The cheapest I could find them online was $50. Still a lot more than the $17.99 they were at Ross's. And I'm not sure I can justify buying a pair of orange shoes that cost that much - cool though they may be.

Eventually I found myself flushing two hours of my life down the toilet watching "Larry the Cable Guy: Health Inspector". Yeah. It was that bad.

But I had a couple of little visits to break the boredom. I ended up not seeing the end of the movie, and didn't feel as if I'd missed anything. After losing my computer game I was playing, I went on to bed.

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