Thursday, September 11, 2008

The strange food of the psyche

I slept through the night last night - one side effect of having so much on the go is sleep has been like falling in a hole - but I had disturbing dreams.

The first I can't detail here. Suffice to say it pointed out a frustrating desire which I have been trying to deny for a while now. So now I'm forced to deal with it now, and I'm going to have to do it by myself. Sigh. Apparently dreams trump even the Southern Power of Denial, which I had heretofore had thought could not be vanquished when sufficient will was applied. I need to go see my grandmother anyway. Maybe I need a refresher course while I'm there.

In the second, Michael and I were sitting in an office, separating our health insurance coverage. It sounds boring, but it was heartbreaking in the dream to know that I could no longer protect him. We never even had a joint health insurance policy. I woke up really sad. I'm sure that this was just the product of several things going on right now, but it's the kind of thing that usually puts me into a funk for a few days. Fortunately, I don't have time for that right now. I have a third birthday dinner to prepare for tonight. Lots of people I love will be there, which is wonderful. Plus I have a couple more little things to do that I couldn't do in front of James last night. Busy, busy, busy...

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