Saturday, September 6, 2008

More cheating. This a Manhattan 3 3/4" footed sherbert in crystal by Hazel-Atlas, circa 1938-1943. I can't find a picture of a pink one anywhere. You'll just have to use your imagination.

OK, I'm cheating a bit here. I found the smallest Fire King utility bowl on Saturday, the 6 7/8" one. But I can't find a picture of it (usually a good sign that they are hard to find, since I can find pics of the other sizes everywhere). Sh0wn is the 8 3/4" bowl. There was also a 10 1/4" one in the set.

"Philbe" refrigerator dishes in sapphire blue. I got both sizes - 5x5 and 9x5. These are often mistakenly listed as "loaf pans", although I'm sure they would work for that too.

"Philbe" casserole "pie plate" lid in Sapphire Blue by Fire King

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