Monday, February 25, 2008

I feel yucky today

Don't know why. I woke up blue again.

There was too much to do to mope though. Did some laundry, went to the grocery store, and put together a huge pan of what should be some pretty damn good spinach lasagne. I'll have to bake it tomorrow - I ran out of time.

I remembered about 6:30 as I was at the store that I have a cake I was supposed to bake for a food day tomorrow at work, but it was too late. I had too much else to do tonight, and hadn't laid my butter out and stuff. I'll just have to pick something up in the morning.

I also put an ad back up on That was where I met Michael in 2000, and the Bear411 thing doesn't seem to be working too well. I do have a conversation going with a nice professor in Columbia, but that is a bit far to start a relationship, and he hasn't seemed that keen to meet. I have been talking to one really cute guy in Asheville on Bear411, but he is a young'un, and frankly, I couldn't see him being that intersted in me in the long run. We have been talking back and forth for a while though, so I asked him if he wanted to come down to see me this coming weekend. If he does, we'll see how that goes. He is a very sweet boy, and cute as he can be. I have been wanting to date, and even if it doesn't turn into something, it would be nice to spend some time with a nice good-looking single guy, right?

The house is a wreck. My focus when I am home is on sleeping, now that I have been sleeping more poorly than usual. I have to get rest, but between that, and keeping up with social stuff, the house has suffered. It's all I can do to keep laundry done and keep up with the cooking. If I have a date this weekend, I am going to have to hunker down and make some serious dust fly around here.

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