Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Feelin' fragile

Well I woke up this morning still feeling drug out. I can't remember the last time the alarm woke me up. In total, I got 5 hours sleep last night. When I went back to bed I slept three more hours without the Torquemada machine on.

I still feel sad and bruised inside today. Maybe it is lack of sleep. Maybe I will feel better after VD is finally past. I've always hated it when I was single. I used to just take the day off work, but I have to save my time off for the surgery right now.

Maybe I'll go see Kat and Dana tonight. I don't know that I want to be by myself, although part of me just wants to crawl in a hole and not talk to anyone. I hope it is a quiet day today at work.

I already had the nasty customer from yesterday rear it's ugly head again today. They called a vendor to complain, and I worked with the BD rep on getting him some records to give them. I don't know that we really want this account this badly - they don't pay that well, and are obvoiusly a pain the ass, which is why the vendor is probably trying to shove them into the channel. But of course BD wants all accounts, no matter how crappy. Plus these people buy heavily from a product line we just started selling, and BD is anxious to make a good impression on the vendor and show that the line is a good one. Apparently the margins on this product are good.

I just feel like maybe I can't face the deck being stacked against me at work all the time any more. I work with problem accounts, so everyone is already unhappy before I ever pick up the phone. I feel like all the horrible things people say to me have stopped rolling off, and started taking little bites out of my soul. Is this a mid-life crisis? Or just a tough patch? I had three defaults last Friday, and some tough calls then too. I guess I'm paying for the pleasant account contacts I had over the holidays.

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